Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Podcast And The Educator with Sarah Lalonde

On this episode, I hangout with Sarah Lalonde and we chat about podcasting and how podcasts are a great way to learn, connect, and expand our worldview.
Sarah Anne Lalonde is a second year Teacher Candidate studying at The University of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. However, she is more than just a teacher in training... Sarah writes blogs for www.voiced.ca and broadcasts her podcast on VoicEd Radio all while being their Community Manager (@voicedcanada). She is the host of her own bilingual podcast called Que sera Sarah?  and is empowered by connecting with educators. She looks to inspire teacher candidates to get involved and educate other on the reality of being a teacher candidate in 2017. Her passions include sketchnoting and graphic design. She is also an active member of social media and would love to become a member for your PLN, follow her here: @sarahlalondee. This teacher candidate is also qualified as a Level 2 Google Educator ! To learn more about her, please check out her website here: www.sarahannelalonde.com.

Blending It Up In An iPad Classroom with Kristin Ziemke

On this episode, I hangout with Kristin Ziemke and we chat about iPads in a blended learning classroom.

Kristin Ziemke is an urban educator and the author of Amplify: Digital Teaching and Learning in the K-6 Classroom. Recognized as an international expert in literacy, inquiry and technology, Kristin collaborates with organizations around the world to develop learning experiences that redefine school. Currently serving as a resident teacher and learning innovation specialist for the Big Shoulders Fund, Kristin has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator, Chicago Public Schools Tech Innovator of the Year, National Board Certified Teacher and Emerging Leader by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. She is currently writing her third book and her work has been featured by Apple, EdWeek, Mindshift and Scholastic.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Connected and Empowered Learning with Valerie Lewis

On this episode, I hangout with Valerie Lewis and we chat about how to use technology to amplify student voices. We also talk about PasstheScopeEdu and how educators can use live streaming to share their stories. 

Valerie Lewis is dedicated to the transformation of learning through engaging and creative activities for ALL students. Today’s classroom has not varied much from classrooms 100 years ago--- that is problematic! We are still behind many other countries and we should be leading the way.
She grew up in Miami, FL and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education from Oakwood University and a Master’s in Special Education from Howard University. She currently resides and teaches High School Language Arts in Georgia. She is a wife and mother of 3 beautiful souls.
Her belief is that critical learning possibilities should be activated in order to prepare students for NOW skills.  This will enable them to compete on a global scale! Students need to lift their voice and advocate for themselves but this skill should be modeled and taught. Lessons should be student-centered and not mainly based upon the teacher’s interests. In this manner, cater to a variety of learning styles. Valerie is an encourager and motivator and has the mentality that the TEAM is better together.

In order to strengthen the team, she understands that learning MUST be personalized for the teacher and the student alike in order to create IMPACT. The formula should always be ONE SIZE FITS...ONE! Her mission is to show that learning is a daring lifelong journey but ultimately…TRANSFORMS.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Start That Podcast with Don Wettrick

On this episode, I hangout with Don Wettrick and we chat about podcasting, innovation in education and why educators should dive right in and start their own podcast.

Don Wettrick is the founder of StartEdUp, author of “Pure Genius: Building a Culture of Innovation and Taking 20% Time to the Next Level” and Innovation Specialist at Noblesville High School, central IN. Don is known for his award-winning work as a middle school and high school teacher; educational and innovation consultant; and educational speaker.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Call with Ahyiana Angel

On this episode, I hangout with Ahyiana Angel of Switch, Pivot, or Quit and we chat about people answering the call to live their best lives. 

Ahyiana is an author and the Switch, Pivot or Quit podcast host, affectionately known to many as the Chief Encourager. However, by design, Ahyiana is a creator. Creator of a buzz worthy jewelry line featured by Vogue magazine and worn by Pop Icon BeyoncĂ©, creator of a debut novel worthy of traditional publishing, and creator of a stellar career in publicity having worked with one of the top sports entertainment leagues, the National Basketball Association (NBA). Ultimately, one of her proudest accomplishments is creating an environment where others find encouragement as a result of her positive energy, skill, and fearless attitude. 

Ahyiana is a seasoned executor who eventually blocked out the world’s ideas of success, quit her highly coveted position at the NBA, moved to London and traveled the world for a stint, then followed her passion in writing to find her purpose in encouragement. Mastering the art of note-worthy ideation, Ahyiana taps into her more than 12 years of professional business marketing experience to lend her thoughts on professional development, digital marketing, contemporary brand styling, personal development and more.

In addition to her extensive professional background, Ahyiana has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing from California State University, Long Beach. 

She has been featured on Essence.com, xoJane.com, LifeHacker.com, Ebony.com, ForHarriet.com and Travel Noire among others. 

This girl loves traveling. From frolicking in the Caribbean sands to embarking on new cultural adventures in Morocco, Ahyiana lives for exploration.